Dallas Arboretum

Dallas, TX


Dallas Arboretum

8525 Garland Road, Dallas, Texas 75218, USA

  (214) 515-6615
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More than 979,219 visitors from all 50 states, as well as 90 countries, came through our gates in 2018. The Arboretum has been listed among the top arboretums in the world and the number of honors is so extensive it is listed on our website. The Dallas Arboretum is proud to offer the public an array of popular annual events, educational programs for children and adults, and an emphasis on family-oriented activities. Ground-breaking horticultural research conducted in our Trial Gardens continues to contribute to an important body of knowledge, both regionally and nationally.

Located on the shores of White Rock Lake, the Arboretums 66 acres include a complete life science laboratory with endless potential for discovery. The Arboretum has a 75 member Board of Directors, 120 full-time paid staff members, 50+ part-time paid staff members, and more than 273 active volunteers.

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