Lollie Bombs Burlesque

Dallas, TX


Lollie Bombs Burlesque

Dallas, TX, USA

  (903) 714-6493
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Lollie Bombs Burlesque is the longest-running neo-burlesque troupe in North Texas. Formed in 2006 and based in Dallas, the Lollies have made the Pocket Sandwich Theatre their home base since 2007. Established through the creativity of past performers and artistic direction, each production ditches the emcee and punctuates each act with sound bites, raffles, and audience participation games. Its a fast paced show featuring a spicy mix of comedy, music, sideshow, apparatus work, traditional hula and much, much more! Featuring choreography by the performers as well as by local professionals including E. Hall and Honey Bordeauxx, the shows are produced by Miss Malicious and stage managed by Sir James with the help of the trusty Bomb Squad technical crew. You think you can handle the bad-assery that is a Lollie Bombs show' Catch us bi-monthly at the Pocket Sandwich Theatre. Have your glitter umbrellas ready.

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