Harbourfront Centre

Toronto, ON


Harbourfront Centre

235 Queens Quay West, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2G8, Canada

  416 973 4000
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Harbourfront Centre has been on the cutting edge of all that is current and creative for the past four decades, bringing together the best in Canadian and international arts and culture and animating the 10 prime acres of Toronto's waterfront as free and open public space.

This is our story. Bringing the world to the waterfront Harbourfront Centre, 1970s. Forty years ago, the central lakefront was a veritable wasteland of derelict industrial buildings. Devoid of green spaces, recreational facilities and cultural attractions, it was in need of a change.

In 1972, Pierre Trudeau's federal government created a Crown corporation with a mandate to revitalize 100 central acres of waterfront land stretching west from York Street to Stadium Road. Culture, education and recreation were to be the tools that would bring Torontonians back to the lake and attract visitors from around the globe. In 1976, Harbourfront Corporation was formed to fulfill this mandate and initiate change

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